1) Federal state budgetary institution «Research Centre for Medical Genetics», Moscow; 2) Federal state budgetary institution «Institute of ethnology and anthropology», Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Спицын Виктор Алексеевич; Спицына Наиля Хаджиевна, д.б.н., e-mail: nailya.47@mail.ru
This review included own data is devoted to actual problem of a chronological periodization in Homo sapiens evolution and to grounding of the complex researches concept with attraction of various scientific disciplines. The new information on the human molecular genetics variability allows objectively examining stages of the modern human formation. Point of view about the unequal taxonomical value of polymorphic genes in the decision of questions to the Homo sapiens evolutionary history is emphasized. It isn’t obligatory that the increase in number of genetic systems conducts to receiving more exact and reliable results in the decision of modern human formation problems. Dynamics of evolutionary processes in large groups of Homo sapiens with use taxonomical efficient genetic markers, including APO E and Gm systems is considered. The analysis of the extensive database of world and own data on APO E genotypes and alleles distributions showed that the APO E*4 is ancestral form with the highest frequency is concentrated in peripheral populations of an ecumene. The extensive database concerning the paleoanthropological finds of the Upper Paleolithic is attracted to the research. It is relies that vectors of Homo sapiens sapiens spreading of East tropical Africa correspond to specific wave dynamics. Formation of large population systems in the upper Paleolithic was determined by a series of consecutive discrete waves in time. Human evolution in space and time can’t be considered separately from influence of ambient environment. Need of an integrated approach to its studying is emphasized. Modern data on the conjugated evolution of Homo sapiens and endogenous retroviruses, and also materials on metagenomics and nutrigenomics are provided in the survey article.
Homo sapiens evolution, upper paleolithic, genetic markers, APOE, influence of ambient environment, complex approach to the human evolution approach
Цит.: Spitsyn V.A., Spitsyna N.Kh. Problem of the chronological periodization in Homo sapiens evolution and concept of the complex researches in human genetics // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2016; 2/2016; с. 98-114
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