Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (RSUPESY&T)», Moscow
Meshcheryakov A.V., e-mail: aleksei236632@yandex.ru
The necessity of taking into account constitutional characteristics of a person in the process of motor activity is largely determined by their connection with different reactions of the entire organism to dosed physical load. The aim of this study was to investigate age-related dynamics of morphofunctional properties of students aged 17–19 years representing different somatotypes, and to explore possibilities of correcting their physical fitness and functional state using individual typological approach. This study was done with the use of anthropometric data; indices of physical performance; results of cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous system assessment; and methods of mathematical statistics. As a result, significant differences in anthropometric and physiometric characteristics between students of different years were observed. Representatives of each somatotype had individually predicted strengths and weaknesses of motor skills. Identified specifics of morphofunctional development and functional condition of the main body systems formed the theoretical basis for the development of rational regimes of the motor activity, taking into account not only the students’ interests but also their real, genetically determined motor capabilities. The choice of the students’ motor activity regimes should depend on the objectives of physical training and be subdivided according to the body built characteristics. Optimization of students’ physical condition will aid in the implementation of individual-typological approach to the organization of young males’ motor activity.
anthropology, somatotype, physical fitness, anthropometric data, physical activity, students, motor skills
Цит.: Meshcheryakov A.V. Optimization of physical education of young students on the basis of physiologically grounded methodology of physical training taking into account students’ individual typological characteristics // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2016; 2/2016; с. 72-84
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