Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Leninskie Gory, 1-12, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Selivanova Ekaterina Maximovna; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3311-6611; selivanova.e.m@gmail.com.
In this article two groups of modern indigenous populations of Indonesia – Minahasans and Sangirese are described. The human diversity of the Indonesian region is relatively unexplored in the means of physical anthropology. There are no extensive data on Sulawesi and Sangirese populations collected by the traditional anthropometric methods previously published. Materials and methods. With organizational support of the anthropology department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, an expedition to Sulawesi and Sangir islands was planned and conducted. All measurements of the head and body were made according to standard anthropometric methods. Descriptive features of terminal hair and facial soft tissues were estimated using anthropological photography. All data were analyzed with one- and multidimensional statistical tools in STATISTICA 10 software package. Results. As a result of the present study, an anthropological database was introduced. It contains a set of body features, as well as measurements and descriptive features of head and face. A comparison of Minahasans and Sangirese was made, which showed several distinctions in stature and skin and eye colors. It was shown that by most of the morphological characteristics and typological features Minahasans are of more sturdy build than Sangirese. Sangirese have darker pigmentation of skin and irises than Minahasans. Only slight differences in head and face between Minahasans and Sangirese were found. Conclusion. According to anthropological features of head and face Minahasans and Sangirese may be classified as Deutero-Malay anthropological type. Comparative analysis of skin and eye color and hair structure showed that Sangirese people are closer to equatorial anthropological types than the Minahasans. According to most morphological features and typological characteristics, Minahasans are of larger stature than Sangirese.
anthropometry; populations of Indonesia; mongoloid; Minahasans; Sangirese
DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2019.3.015-024
Цит.: Selivanova E.M. The results of an anthropological expedition on studying morphological features of the modern indigenous population of Sulawesi and Sangir islands // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2019; 3/2019; с. 15-24
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