Moscow University

Dietary evolution in Homo (main research directions)

Dobrovol’skaya M.V.

Institute Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Dm. Ulyanova 19, Moscow, 117036, Russia

Dobrovol’skaya Mariya Vsevolodovna, Ph.D., D.Sc., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9695-4199, e-mail:


The study of the diets of the modern and fossil hominins is becoming an important research area in evolutionary anthropology. The data coming from isotopic and trace elements analysis help to reconstruct ancient subsistence strategies. This article aims to address to the following main topics: diet transformation and early Homo erectus; diet adaptation of the European Neandertals; increasing dietary variety in the European Upper Paleolithic inhabitants.


evolutionary anthropology, diet, isotopic analysis, trace elements analysis, paleoecology

Цит.: Dobrovol’skaya M.V. Dietary evolution in Homo (main research directions) // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2009; 4/2009; с. 57-63

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