Moscow University

Seasonal changeability of the body composition and selected motor abilities of Zielona GoraUniversity female students

Tatarczuk J., Asienkiewicz R.

Division of Physical Education, Zielona Gora University, Poland

Tatarczuk Jozef, e-mail:; Asienkiewicz Ryszard, e-mail:


Aim of the research was to determine the seasonal changeability of somatic structures and motor abilities of Zielona Gуra University female students. Materials and methods. During the academic year 2007/2008 a group of 175 female students of Zielona Gora University was tested. They were all of Polish origin, born in Poland. Their average age at the time preliminary tests were done was 19.6. The tests were conducted during the academic year in the following months: October 2007 (autumn); February 2008 (winter); May 2008 (spring). Height, body mass, the Rohrer’s index, body surface, fat tissues, lean body mass and body water were measured. The body composition was tested with RJL analyzer (tetrapolar Akern model) using the bioimpedance method (BIA). Then motor abilities were tested using various tests, including S. Pilicz’s test [1971]: agility was tested with the triple «envelope» zigzag run; jumping ability was tested with standing long jump; the dynamic power of upper limbs was tested with an overhead medicine ball throw (for females the ball weighed 2 kg and for males 3 kg); endurance was measured with Burpee Test; speed was measured by checking the time of doing 20 knee-bends; suppleness was measured by checking the depth of standing forward bend; the static power of the right and left hand was measured with the dynamometer. The above qualities and the testing methods were selected because they were easily available, easy to conduct and they did not take much time. The applied tests are commonly used as part of general physical ability tests. Their reliability and accuracy had already been verified [Denisiuk, Milicerowa, 1969; Drozdowski, 1965]. Statistical analysis was performed with the package STATISTICA 8.0 for Windows 2000. Results and Discussion. After the qualitative and quantitative analysis the following conclusions were drawn: As far as the examined somatic structures are concerned, the body mass and fat tissue of the female students were the highest in winter season. In spring their body water and LBM were the highest. In autumn the majority of the somatic qualities were on their medium or lowest level. As far as motor abilities are concerned their seasonal distribution is unequivocal. The motor abilities of the female students reached their highest average values in autumn and the lowest in spring. Winter was the time when the students’ ability was on a medium level in relation to autumn and spring. The results are of high applicability. They lead to the conclusion that any tests and measurements during physical education classes should be conducted in autumn (October-November) or late spring (April-May).


physical anthropology, physical education, height, weight, body composition, motor abilities, seasonal changes, Polish female university students

Цит.: Tatarczuk J., Asienkiewicz R. Seasonal changeability of the body composition and selected motor abilities of Zielona GoraUniversity female students // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2011; 2/2011; с. 37-46

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