Moscow University

Constitutional features of age dynamics of width and circumference parameters of school children

Salivon I.I. (1), Melnik V.A. (2)

1) Institute of History of NAS Belarus, 1 Akademicheskaya Street, Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus; 2) Gomel State Medical University, 5 Lange Street, Gomel, 246000, Republic of Belarus

Salivon Inessa Iv., PhD, DSc,; Mel’nik Viktor Al., PhD, assistant professor,


Introduction. Circumferences and breadth as characteristics of the body represent structural features of the skeleton, its mass, and to a certain extent provide a notion about the development of adipopexis and muscles. Materials and methods. Over 2 academic years (2010–2012) we performed a complex morphological examination of 1693 boys and 1757 girls, altogether 3450 school children of Gomel aged 7–17. The program of the anthropological examination included measurements of head circumference, neck circumference, chest circumference, waist circumference, circumferences of the upper limb (shoulder, forearm, and lower arm above the wrist), circumferences of the lower limb (thigh, shin, and lower leg above the ankle), breadths of epiphysis of limbs (shoulder, forearm, shin, and thigh), width of shoulders and the pelvis, transversal and sagittal diameters of the chest. We calculated the massiveness of bones external form and degree of their chest flatness. Somatotypes were determined using a new qualitative scheme. Results. Age dynamics of width and circumference parameters of the examined school children depend on their somatotypes. Maximum growth rates are happening earlier in hypersomic school children of both sexes, followed by mezosomic and the latest in leptosomic ones. The girls of Gomel of all the body types have maximum growth rates at an earlier age than the boys. General growth rates of width, circumference, diameter of the chest were higher in the children with mezosomic and hypersomic somatotypes. All of the studies children show an increase in chest flatness with age. This is especially true for the boys and girls of the leptosomic type. Discussion. The intensity of growth rates of width and circumference parameters in children and adolescents depend on somatotype, sex, and age.


age dynamics; body width; body circumference; school children; somatotype

DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2018.2.067-075

Цит.: Salivon I.I., Melnik V.A. Constitutional features of age dynamics of width and circumference parameters of school children // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2018; 2/2018; с. 67-75

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