Moscow University

The computer identification of personality of red border

Zvyagin V.N. (1), Fomina E.E. (2), Galician O.I. (1)

1) Federal State budgetary institution «Russian Center for forensic medicine», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation, Moscow; 2) Tver State Technical University, Tver

Zvyagin V.N., e-mail:; Fomina E.E., e-mail:; Galician O.I., e-mail:


Introduction. One of the main tasks of forensic medicine and science is the identification of per-sonality. Along with descriptive attributes, quantitative ones play a significant role in solving the problem of identification, the measurement of the latter being a laborious process. Therefore, it is urgent to use and employ new attributes, as well as to develop application-dependent software for automating the measurement of quantitative attributes, calculations and solution of identification problems. The aim of the study is to investigate the red border biometric attributes and determine their availability for the iden-tification of personality. Materials and methods. The materials under study are the lips photographs from the archives of forensic identification department of Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise. Each picture is a full-face photograph of lips with the boundary between the skin and the lip mucosa being clearly visible. In addition, each picture contains «a reference» – a 1.5 x 1.5 cm square or 1.5 cm-diameter circle. It is used to make the attribute measurements in absolute units. To describe the red border the attributes com-bined into the groups were proposed. The groups are the following: the lip contour, interlabial line, heights. To process the data obtained and conduct the identification ALips 2.0 software product was de-veloped. Results and discussion. The hypothesis of normal attribute distribution was investigated. The in-vestigation gave positive results, thus permitting to divide the attribute values into intervals. The category limits for each attribute for both men and women were calculated and then each entry was brought in compliance with a set of categories with ALips 2.0 program automatically. At the last stage of the investi-gation a series of computing experiments was carried out to identify the object. The experimental results showed that the identification importance of the attributes under study is high enough and the number of objects close to an identified one does not exceed five which may indicate a good separation of groups. Conclusions. Based on a comprehensive investigation of the identification of personality with the lips photographs the method of measuring red border attributes was proposed. ALips 2.0 software prod-uct, allowing to generate a database of individual lips photos, measure the attributes automatically, and carry out the identification process was developed. Each attribute variability category was calculated to match each photo with a set of numbers describing the red border features. The analysis conducted estab-lished the attribute system availability for identifying a personality in forensic medicine and science.


red border, identification, biometric attributes

Цит.: Zvyagin V.N., Fomina E.E., Galician O.I. The computer identification of personality of red border // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2012; 3/2012; с. 129-134

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