Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mokhovaya st., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia
Goodkova Lyudmila K., Ph.D., D.Sc., e-mail: lkgoodkova@bk.ru
Introduction. The purpose of this article is to analyze the variability of the physiological status of children against the general background of the age changes associated with the processes of growth, de-velopment and puberty, as well as an analysis of age dynamics intrasystem (physiological) and intersys-tem (morphophysiological) correlations. Materials and methods. In Khakassia by a complex program were surveyed schoolchildren (190 boys and 188 girls). The levels of physiological blood characters – hemoglobin, serum proteins (total protein, albumin, a1-, a2-, b-, g- globulins), total cholesterol and glucose – were determined by standard spectrophotometer methods. Results and discussion. It is established, that characteristic changes of physiological status of children and teenagers occur in certain age periods, which are connected with processes of growth and development and which influence physiological homeostasis. The activation of internal physiological processes is the first in the general age changes. Substational changes in the levels of physiological blood characters are more marked in boys and coincide with the time of puberty. Following the age dynamics of physiological status as a holistic structure it is difficult at this stage of investigation: different directions variability of characters that make up the physiological system, combined with small number of age sam-ples do not allow to draw definite conclusions. Different sensitivity of physiological and morphological systems to an effect of various factors is the cause of the failure to coincide between the rates of variabil-ity of traits of different systems. However, in some age groups one can catch some regularity in morpho-physiological relationships. Conclusion. The results, which we obtained investigating the variability of physiological status, may be explained from the point of view of physiological homeostasis, the stability of which during onto-genesis has been repeatedly violated. The study of age dynamics of physiological status and analysis of interconnections of metabolic characters with morphological helps a holistic insight about ontogenetic processes in children.
Lomonosov’ MSU, anthropology, physiology, morphology, ontogenesis, holistic approach, variability, correlation
Цит.: Goodkova L.K. Holistic approach to the study of ontogenetic processes of children 10-17 years (anthropological aspects) // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2012; 3/2012; с. 25-37
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