1) Institute of ethnology and anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; 2) Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow; 3) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of biology, Department of anthropology, Leninskie Gory, 1, p.12, Moscow, 119991, Russia 4) Institute of molecular genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Spitsyna N.Kh., Ph.D., e-mail: nailya.47@mail.ru; Makarov S.V., e-mail: ecolab@med-gen.ru; Bets L.V., e-mail: larisa-bez@yandex.ru; Limborskaya S.A., e-mail: limbor@img.ras.ru; Karapetian Marina, Ph.D., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1886-8943, e-mail: marishkakar@hotmail.com; Bychkovskaya Luybov S., e-mail: ecogen@medgen.ru; Pay G.V., e-mail: ecolab@med-gen.ru; Alexeeva N.V., e-mail: ecolab@med-gen.ru; Spitsyn Viktor A.
Results of population genetic study among eastern Khants from a collection of biological material of ecological genetics lab. RCMG were presented. On a wide range of biochemical-genetic markers (HP, TF, GC, PI, ACP, PGM1, GLO1, ESD) and autosomal DNA polymorphisms (CHIT1, ABCC11,NOS3 ) among Khantian population of Yugan and Agan rivers drainage-basins were analyzed. The gene pool of eastern Khants includes characters peculiar to both for eastern Eurasian and western Eurasian populations. One of the main objectives of our work was establishment of the ethnic anthropological importance «new» autosomal DNA polymorphisms. High degree of CHIT1 polymorphism efficiency in the anthropological relation was established. The share of western Eurasian genetic component in studied Khantian group forms 43.3% and eastern Eurasian proportion was 56.7%. Our data about serological and biochemical genetic markers (AB0, MN, RH, TF, GC, C’3, PI, ACP, PGM1, ESD, GLO1) allows to estimate genetic relationship between Khants and neighboring and more remote Finno-Ugric and Turkic populations. As one expect, Khants finds the greatest genetic proximity to neighboring Mansi.
eastern Khants, biochemical genetic polymorphisms, DNA markers, mixed population
Цит.: Spitsyna N.Kh., Makarov S.V., Bets L.V., Limborskaya S.A., Karapetian M.K., Bichkovskaya L.S. , Pay G.V., Alexeeva N.V., Spitsyn V.A. New information about gene pool of eastern Khants // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2014; 4/2014; с. 101-106
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