Moscow University

Somatic features of the Tatars and Kryashens from the Middle Volga region

Aksyanova G. (1), Tchizhicova T. (2)

1) Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, Moscow; 2) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mokhovaya st., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia

Aksyanova G., e-mail:; Tchizhicova T., e-mail:


The purpose of the study - identify the main patterns of morphological structure of men’s body from various local, dialect and religious groups of the Middle Volga Tatar-speaking. Tatars - the most numerous Turkic-speaking indigenous peoples in the Russia (5.3 million people; Census 2010). More than 2 million people, including Kryashens, now lives in the Republic of Tatarstan. Kryashens (35 thousand people.) – Tatar-speaking ethnic group; their traditional religion became Orthodox Christianity, unlike Islam typical for Tatars (Kazan, Mishars, Astrakhan, Siberia, Crimea). Anthropological data on body size of the Volga-Urals Tatars limited materials on child and male population under 30 years of age. Field study conducted in 2007 in the Trans-Volga area of Tatarstan. 235 rural men aged 17-59 years were measured; the program included 22 features (linear size and girth, fat folds). Kazan Tatars samples were obtained in Elabuga and Arsk district tries (territory Predkamja), Tatars-Mishars in Tchistopol district (Zakamye), samples Kryashens, that due to the small number of mainly analyzed in total, were obtained in Elabuga, Mamadysh and Tchistopol areas. The increase in overall body size and massiveness expressed clearly in all groups during the last century. The growth of Tatars men has increased on average 5.2 cm, varying now in the range moderately high values – 169.3–172.6 cm. Chest girth is 94.8–97.6 cm, chest index – 68.4–71.9%, the width of the pelvis as a percentage width of the shoulders 71.1–71.4% in the same samples. All groups are characterized mesomorphic body proportions, relatively shortened hands, but the elongate legs, moderately muscled. Somatic program showed homogeneity Tatar-speaking groups of the republic, their separation from the Bashkirs and Chuvash, convergence in the first place with the Slavic population and the Finnish – Russian and Karelian, who are attracted to compare. Local samples Kryashens close to the adjacent group Muslim population, but they have a more pronounced fat component as part of the body composition. The total sample of Turks Tatarstan is similar to the Turkic groups of the arid zone (Kazakhs, Turkmens, Karakalpaks) according to the distribution somatotypes.


physical anthropology, the Volga-Ural Tatars, Kryashens, body size

Цит.: Aksyanova G., Tchizhicova T. Somatic features of the Tatars and Kryashens from the Middle Volga region // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2015; 2/2015; с. 95-113

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