Moscow University

The variability of some morpho-physiological traits in men in Bedouin populations of South Sinai

Chumakova A.M. (1), Kobyliansky E. (2)

1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mokhovaya st., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia; 2) Human Population Biology Research Unit, Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel

Chumakova A.M., e-mail:; Kobyliansky Eugene, Ph.D., e-mail:


Bedouin tribes of southern Sinai – nomadic endogamous group, for several centuries living in a homogeneous, stable environment of harsh arid climate, – is a unique model for studying the role of genetic and environmental factors. Purpose – to examine the variability of morpho-physiological traits in the tribes of the South Sinai Bedouins; to identify differences between these genetically isolated populations. Materials and Methods. Variation of morphological traits studied in 342 men in South Sinai Bedouin 19–38 years, as well as the variation of traits in subtribes of major tribes Gebelia and Museina. Applied methods of multivariate statistics: ANOVA and discriminant analysis. Results and discussion. Comparison of four tribal groups from 38 morpho-physiological featured revealed significant differences in 27 of them. Significant differences between large tribes Gebelia and Museina found in lengthwise dimensions: the upper body segment length, «upper leg length», upper arm length; biacromial, biiliac and bideltoid breadths, chest breadth and depth, the absolute breadth of the foot (and in % to the length of foot), the hands strength. The result of discriminant analysis was the average 68.1% of correct attribution of a Bedouin tribe. When discrimination carried only in tribes Museina and Gebelia this figure rises to 75. Gebelia tribe characterized somewhat ectomorphic body structure, that is reflected in the ratios of lengthwise and latitudinal size of the trunk, limbs and head. This fact is especially evident in comparison with the parameters of Museina tribe. The structure of the body of the Museina tribe is more massive, limbs are short (as a percentage of body length), minor fat skinfolds, low hands strength. Combined group «small tribes» is characterized by low values of height and weight, of most of the indices characterizing the shape of the body, blood pressure and handhold strength. Differences in subtribes of large tribes Gebelia and Museina recorded at trends. By comparison with the Arab population of North Africa found that the Bedouins of Sinai have somewhat convex thorax, short trunk, as well as longer legs and a much narrower (as a percentage of body length ) pelvis.


anthropology, South Sinai Bedouins, the variability of morpho-physiological traits, differences between tribal samples

Цит.: Chumakova A.M., Kobyliansky E. The variability of some morpho-physiological traits in men in Bedouin populations of South Sinai // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2015; 2/2015; с. 24-33

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