Moscow University


El’chinova G.Iv. (1), Makaov A. (2), Rеvаzоvа Yu.А. (3), Pеtrin А.N. (4), Zinchenko R.Ab. (1,5)

1. Federal state scientific budgetary Institution «Research Centre for Medical Genetics» Moscow 2. Municipal Budgetary Health Care setting «Habezskaya central district hospital», Habez Karachai-Cherkess Republic 3. Science federal state institution «Federal scientific center of hygiene of F.F. Erisman» Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare 4. Моscow state Medico-Stomatology university, Moscow 5. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

El’chinova Galina Iv., Ph.D., D.Sc., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3665-982X, e-mail:; Makaov A., e-mail:; Rеvаzоvа Yu.А., e-mail:; Pеtrin А.N., e-mail:; Zinchenko Rena Ab., Ph.D., D.Sc., prof., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3586-3458, e-mail:


This work is conducted according to a standard protocol of genetic-epidemiological population surveys in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, carried out by genetic epidemiology laboratory staff of the Research Centre for Medical Genetics. Questionnaire survey of postreproductive women (over 45 years of age) was conducted in Karachay-Cherkessia during 2014–2016. 2983 women were interviewed. Among them 2862 were representatives of the Republic’s five main ethnicities (Karachays, Russians, Circassians, Abazins, Nogais). The total fertility rates of the rural populations are 3,97, 4,18, 4,20, 4,04 and 4,33, respectively. The sibship size of the rural population is, 0.90, 2,33, 2,81, 2,67 and 2,43, respectively. Prenatal and prereproductive losses are 1,14, 1,85, 1,28, 1,55 and 1,95, respectively. The number of questionnaires to characterize urban Nogais (13) was too small for reliable estimates, so for urban Nogais evaluation was not performed. All urban population characteristics are presented only for the four ethnic groups – Karachays, Russians, Circassians, and Abazins. Total fertility rates for the urban population is lower than for the rural one: 3,71, 3,85, 3,74 and 3,4, the sibship size is 2,40, 1,97, 2,25 and 2,11, while prereproductive and prenatal losses are 1,32, 1,55 1,90 and 1,28, respectively. The Crow’s index and its components are: Im=0,028, If=0,318, Itot = 0,355 (Karachays rural), Im=0,013, If=0,219, Itot=0,236 (Karachays urban), Im=0,015, If=0,163, Itot=0,181 (Abazins rural), Im=0,008, If=0,142, Itot=0,151 (Abazins urban), Im=0,007, If=0,183, Itot=0,191 (Russian rural), Im=0,022, If=0,259, Itot=0,287 (Russian urban), Im=0,025, If=0,202, Itot=0,233 (Nogais rural) Im=0,021, If=0,162, Itot=0,187 (Circassians rural), Im=0,028, If=0,216, Itot=0,251 (Circassians urban). Graphical analysis of Crow’s index values showed neither ethnic nor territorial differentiation of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic population. Analysis of temporal changes of surveyed parameters showed a slight fertility decline in all ethnic groups. In the studied rural population, the extended reproduction is present, but sibship size values only slightly exceed those for simple reproduction. The urban population is characterized by mainly simple reproduction, and urban Russians are characterized by reduced reproduction.


Crow’s index, Karachay-Cherkessia, population reproduction pattern

Цит.: El’chinova G.Iv., Makaov A., Rеvаzоvа Yu.А., Pеtrin А.N., Zinchenko R.Ab. REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTIC AND CROW’S INDEX OF RURAL AND URBAN POPULATIONS OF KARACHAY // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2016; 4/2016; с. 118-126

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