Вестник Московского университета


Negasheva Marina (1), Kozlov Andrew (1,2), Kornienko Dmitry (2), Vershubsky Galina (1,2), Manukyan Alexandra (1), Derish Fedor (2), Kozlova Maria (3), Otavina Marina (2)

1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 2) Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia; 3) State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Negasheva Marina, e-mail: negasheva@mail.ru.


One of the most important directions of medical anthropology is an investigation of reactions to stressors characteristics for the contemporary “modernized” society. 490 university students from Moscow (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1st place in the rating of Russian universities, including the level of demand for graduates among employers); from the city of Perm (Pedagogical University, 42nd place in the ranking of 213 pedagogical universities); and from the branch of this university in the town of Kudymkar, an administrative center of agricultural region, (126th place in the rating) were examined. Moscow population is 11,5 mln. people, Perm – 1,026000,00; Kudymkar – 30,500. Moscow students are characterized with high anxiety levels and low levels of cortisol in saliva. These reactions are typical for the dwellers of a megalopolis, which are developed under the feeling of external threat at constant gathering of large amounts of people and cause the appearance of chronic tension syndrome. At the same time, in Moscow sample, the lowest levels of situational anxiety are registered. It can be suggested that students receiving their education in a prestigious university are sure in their professional perspectives and less worried about the future place of work. The students from demonstrate the highest levels of situational anxiety, uncertainty and cortisol levels. It can be a manifestation of serious concern about their future life: education in a not very prestigious university with relatively low ratings does not guarantee a successful carrier. But relatively high level of aspirations causes significant emotional load expressed in the increase of anxiety and cortisol levels. The lowest levels of cortisol, uncertainty and anxiety are registered in the students from a small town. It means that the graduates even from a low-rating university can regard themselves as quite competitive in their low urbanized region with small number of people with the university degree. This positive illusion perception of their own qualities and an exaggerated self-evaluation are associated with reliably lower cortisol levels (Taylor et al., 2003), during the period of time when this illusion is being supported. This study is performed within the frames of project # 2684 of the Ministry of Education of the RF.

Ключевые слова

urbanization, stress, cortisol, anxiety

Цит.: Negasheva Marina, Kozlov Andrew, Kornienko Dmitry, Vershubsky Galina, Manukyan Alexandra, Derish Fedor, Kozlova Maria, Otavina Marina INFLUENCE OF ADAPTIVE PRESSING ON ANXIETY PARAMETERS AND CORTISOL LEVEL IN STUDENTS FROM MOSCOW AND OTHER CITIES OF RUSSIA // Вестник Московского университета. Серия XXIII. Антропология, 2014; 3/2014; с. 133-133

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