Вестник Московского университета


Vergeles Marina, Shpak Larisa

Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Vergeles Marina, e-mail: vergeles@rocketmail.com; Shpak Larisa, e-mail: larshp@rambler.ru.


It is impossible to draw clear interdisciplinary boundaries in the study of color concept regarding interactions between human and color-light environment, and anthropology may be used as a complex approach to this study combining both science and humanities. In this case we can define color preference as part of the general human constitution along with morphological and psychological features. Using a sample of 157 Moscow students (80 males and 77 females) we examined correlations between color attitude and somatic (somatotype, pigmentation, dynamometry) and psychological (anxiety and neuroticism level, extraversion–introversion trait) features. Color attitude was measured verbally and projectively by coloring graphic tests with simple and complex shapes. On the basis of verbal color tests’ results we calculated coefficient of color preference and general color attitude index. Coefficients of harmonious color combinations are based on the results of graphic tests. Sex differences in neuroticism, state and trait anxiety levels are valid: females are more restless and anxious while males are more emotionally stable. Most of the examined individuals do not have a disliked color or colors, having one is strongly correlated with higher level of both neuroticism and state anxiety, correlation is slightly stronger for females. The most common choice of a favorite color is blue and green. There are sex differences in the preference of black, white, purple, yellow and turquoise colors: males prefer achromatic colors relatively more. Most of morphological features are uncorrelated with color choice; however there are some certain correlations with eye and hair color. There are some correlations between color attitude and somatotype: athletic males and mesoplastic females have a negative color attitude significantly rarely and thus emotionally are less dependent on color environment. Choice of harmonious color pairs is psychosomatically determined only for a test with simple shapes. Complex shapes coloring reveals color associations defined rather by social and cultural aspects of color perception. However, the amount of harmonious choices is two or three times bigger than the amount of inharmonious, and females tend to select harmonious color pairs more often than males. Prevalence of harmonious color choices to some extent indicates possible biological expediency of this behavioral adaptation that formed human aesthetic color perception.

Ключевые слова

constitution, color, color preference

Цит.: Vergeles Marina, Shpak Larisa COLOR AND CONSTITUTION: EXPERIENCE OF STUDYING AESTHETIC PREFERENCES // Вестник Московского университета. Серия XXIII. Антропология, 2014; 3/2014; с. 110-111

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