Вестник Московского университета


Zubareva Vera, Permyakova Ekaterina

Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Zubareva Vera, e-mail: zubareva.vera@yandex.ru; Permyakova Ekaterina, e-mail: ekaterinapermyakova@gmail.com.


Patterns of physical development of schoolchildren in different areas of Moscow Region (Podolsk, Istra, Dedovsk, Solnechnogorsk, Zagorsk, Golitsino, 1985, n=3512) with additional data of Tchulkovo, Ramenskiy district (1976, n=842) were compared. Height, chest circumference, shoulder and pelvic diameters were studied; questioning of parents was conducted. Main statistical parameters for every age group were calculated. The significance of differences was estimated using Student’s t-test. One-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons by Scheffe’s method were also used. The results of the 10-year study (1976–1985) show some reducing of the girls’ height against its increasing in boys. In chest circumferences, girls and boys of 1976 have smaller values than those of 1985children. In shoulder and pelvic diameters, children measured in 1976 are ahead of those examined 10 years later. These results indicate to a certain heterochrony of secular changes: growth in length has stopped (at least in girls), while some dimensions continue increasing. Somatotypes of children examined in 1980 demonstrate a trend towards asthenization. Generally, it gets in line with the trends found in other populations, examined at the same period of time. The results of parental questioning indicate that 92.4% of children were from two-parents families, while 7.2% - from incomplete families. Parallel to this study, some analysis of demographical data for Moscow Region has been performed. The dynamics of matrimony-divorce rate as well as the rate of population increase was examined with the use of the official statistics data (FSSS 1997, 2003, 2012). It shows that since the beginning of the 1960s the matrimony rate exceeds the divorce rate: related figures are 8.1% to 1.5%. By 1975 related figures are 11.1 to 3.6%. After 1980’s the situation is drastically changed. In the period of 1985-1990 the corresponding figures are 9.71% to 4%, and the divorce rate goes on increasing. As there was no official statistical data for Moscow Region in 1970’s, it’s hard to consider the dynamics of natural increase rate. However, the data for a later period indicate that after 1980’s natural increase turns to natural “loss”. This process is going on till 2012.

Ключевые слова

physical development, schoolchildren, Moscow region, demographical data

Цит.: Zubareva Vera, Permyakova Ekaterina PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN MOSCOW REGION AND SOME STATISTICAL INDICATORS IN 1976–1980S // Вестник Московского университета. Серия XXIII. Антропология, 2014; 3/2014; с. 63-63

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