Moscow University

Dynamics of basic anthropometric indicators of children of early and preschool age in the Republic of Belarus at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries

Kozlovsky A.A., Melnik V.A.

Educational institution «Gomel State Medical University», Lange str., 5, Gomel, 246050, Belarus

Kozlovsky Alexandr Alexandrovich, PhD; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2371-2305;; Melnik Victor Alexandrovich, PhD, DSc; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0789-3054;


Introduction. In recent years, insufficient attention has been paid to the study of the dynamics of the growth and development of children of early and preschool age, their variability over time and depending on various factors of the external and internal environment. The literature data are contradictory and indicate two multidirectional processes – acceleration and deceleration. Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of basic anthropometric indicators of physical development (length and body weight) in children of early and preschool age in Belarus, obtained in 2021 (group I) and in 1989–1997 (group II), was carried out. These populations were homogeneous in place of residence, ethnicity, and close in time of inspection. The number of boys and girls in the first group was 700 people, in the second group – 3351 and 3175 people, respectively. Results. Monitoring of anthropometric indicators of children of early and preschool age allowed to establish the features of physical development. Boys of group I from birth to 6 years of age are significantly more likely to have higher body weight indicators compared to group II. In girls, this trend was not registered only at the age of 3 years (P>0.05). In all age periods, both sexes of the group I significantly more often have higher body length indicators compared to the group II. The most pronounced difference in body length (over 4 cm) in children of the group I and group II was noted in boys and girls in the age groups of 2 and 5 years. The analysis shows an increase in somatometric indicators of physical development and the phenomenon of acceleration. Conclusion. The conducted studies have established the presence of higher values of body heigth and weight in children in 2021 compared to their peers in 1989–1997. Higher levels of all the studied indicators were noted in boys than in girls. @ 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.


physical development; young children; preschool children; anthropometric indicators; acceleration

DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2023.2.018-029

Цит.: Kozlovsky A.A., Melnik V.A. Dynamics of basic anthropometric indicators of children of early and preschool age in the Republic of Belarus at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2023; 2/2023; с. 18-29 (Published: May 22, 2023)

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