1) Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, RAS, Gubkina st., 3, Moscow, 119991, Russia; 2) FSBI «Research Centre for Medical Genetics», Moskvorechie st., 1, Moscow, 115522, Russia; 3) Department of Pedagogics and Professional Education, Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, Kirova st., 17/2, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681000, Russia; 4) Biobank of Northern Eurasia, Kotlyakovsaya st., 3, Moscow, 115201, Russia; 5) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, GSP 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia; 6) Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, 350063, Russia
Agdzhoyan Anastasiya T., PhD of Biology; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8776-2934; aagdzhoyan@mail.ru; Bogunov Yurij V., PhD in Biology, forbogunov@inbox.ru. Bogunova Anna A., PhD in Biology, ansyach@yandex.ru; Kamenshikova Evgeniya N., PhD in Pedagogy, mangu_evgenia@mail.ru; Kagazezheva Zhaneta A., janetka0001@bk.ru; Korotkova Nadezhda A.; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1760-4700; dargony@mail.ru; Chernyshenko Dmitriy N., rabotamech@mail.ru; Ponomarev Georgiy Y., st26i900@gmail.com; Utrivan Sergey A.; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4459-7211; utrivan1@gmail.com; Koshel Sergey, PhD in Geography, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4540-2922; skoshel@mail.ru;. Balanovsky Oleg P., DSc in Biology, Professor RAS, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4218-6889; balanovsky@inbox.ru; Balanovskaya Elena V., DSc of Biology, Professor RAS; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3882-8300; balanovska@mail.ru.
Materials and methods. The gene pool of Okhotsk (N = 59) and Kamchatka (N = 29) Evens was studied on a wide panel of Y-chromosomal markers, highlighting local subvariants within the C-M217 and N-M178 haplogroups. The multidimensional statistical analysis was carried out on the frequencies of 16 large (and therefore more ancient) trunks of Y-chromosomal haplogroups and reflects a more general picture of the position of the Evens gene pool. The genetic distance map from the Evens represents a more accurate pattern that takes into account the distribution of the brabches of the haplogroups C and N, the most frequent in the region and the most informative in the reconstruction of the genetic history of the population of the Far East. The samples were formed from unrelated men, all the ancestors of whose through the male line belonged to Evens and lived within this territory for at least three generations. The collection of samples (venous blood) was accompanied by a voluntary written informed consent.
Results. The similarity of the spectra of Y-chromosomal haplogroups in all studied Even populations was found. In all populations the haplogroup C-M48(xSK1066) predominates averaging four fifths of the Evens gene pool, the minor Pan-Eurasian haplogroup R-M198 (found in all populations with approximately equal frequency, 7%) and «Amur» subgaplogroup N-B479 (found only in Okhotsk Evens with a frequency of 10%). The resulting genetic portraits of the four populations of the Okhotsk and Kamchatka Evens indicate their extreme similarity, not destroyed either by the drift of genes due to the extremely low size of the populations, or by marriages with the surrounding ethnic groups.
Conclusion. The position of the Even population in the multidimensional genetic space indicates genetic relationships (0.07 gene geography; human population genetics; gene pool; Far East; Amur region; Kamchatka; evens; Y-chromosome; haplogroup DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2019.2.116-125 Цит.: Agdzhoyan A.T., Bogunov Y.V., Bogunova А.А., Kamenshikova E.N., Kagazezheva Zh.A., Korotkova N.A., Chernyshenko D.N., Ponomarev G.Y., Utrivan S.А., Koshel S.M., Balanovsky O.P., Balanovska E.V. The genetic portrait of the Okhotsk and the Kamchatka Evens population // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2019; 2/2019; с. 116-125Keywords