Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Dm. Ulyanova str., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russia
Druzhinina Inga Alexandrovna, ORCID ID 0000-0002-3180-7697;; Mednikova Maria B. PhD, D. Sci.; ORCID ID 0000-0002-1918-2161;
Introduction. During the Golden Horde era flat Zakubanie was one of the most active areas of inter-ethnic contacts in the North Caucasus. Archaeological materials in general and funerary monuments excavations first of all demonstrate the ethnocultural diversity of the region. Ground burial sites are distinctly divided into three local-territorial groups differing in both the features of the rite and the composition of the finds. The comprehensive interdisciplinary research of archaeological and anthropological sources can shed light on the origin of these groups and their daily life. Material and methods. This publication presents results of an interdisciplinary study of the medieval population of the Kuban based on the materials from the Bedrichka-3 cemetery. The funeral complexes and the remains of people from the excavations of stone sarcophagi were investigated. Microfocus X-ray and strontium isotope ratio analysis were used as additional methods. The goal of the study was to characterize the features of the burial ritual typical to the population of the steppe left Kuban bank in the 14th century, to describe sex-age composition of those buried in the stone tombs of the burial ground, to assess the parameters of their physical development, and in some cases – their health. Results. In 2015 Institute of Archaeology RAS expedition to Bedrichka-3 44 m2 ground burial site revealed five stone tombs arranged in rows on two terraces. Among the grave goods, household items and tools were found as well as some jewelry and costume details, and very few weapons. The composition of burial finds allowed to confidently date the studied complexes XIV century. Palaeopathology data has shed light on the daily lives of specific people. For example, a whole complex of pathological manifestations associated with the diffuse idiopathic syndrome of hyperostosis (DISH) was detected in a man from Tomb 3. In addition, the severe deformation of the head of the left femur indicates a long-term limping that has befallen this person. This man preferred to move on horseback based on the presence of so-called “Rider complex” on his postcranial skeleton. However, he did not avoid physical activity and most likely had some connections with the craft as evidenced by the extraordinary development of the relief on the bones of his right hand as well as the set of tools in the funeral inventory. Conclusion. All the uncovered burials of the Bedrichka-3 cemetery contained collective burials of human remains probably connected by family ties during their lifetime. The determination of the biological age of these individuals can serve as a “mirror” reflecting the family composition typical to this group. In each tomb representatives of several generations were found, often men and women who could’ve formed a married couple and children of the infantilis II age category. Assuming that relatives are buried in these and similar mounds (as well as in earth burials with stone tombs) we suggest that the population of the Golden Horde period had a modern Anapa-Novorossiysk paternal family with direct and lateral kinship couples.
anthropology; archaeology; palaeopathology; era of the Golden Horde; Bedrichka-3 burial site; stone tombs; family burials
DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2019.1.104-116
Цит.: Druzhinina I.A., Mednikova M.B. Between Сrimea, Сaucasus and Steppe: population of steppe left bank of Kuban in 14th century (based on archaeological and anthropological studies of ground necropoli) // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2019; 1/2019; с. 104-116
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