Moscow University

To the anthropology of the Etruscans

Perevozchicov E.V., Shpak L.Y.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Moscow

Perevozchikov Ilya V.: e-mail:; Shpak Larisa Y.: e-mail:


Introduction. The Etruscans, due to their considerable cultural influence on the formation of ancient Rome and European culture in general, have been comprehensively studied by numerous researchers of various fields of science. The authors tried to contribute to the study of the Etruscan anthropology through a description of the external appearance of the population of Etruria in the VI–II centuries B.C. on works of fine art. Materials and methods. Most of the data have been obtained during the study of Etruscan funeral complexes (wall murals) and anatomical terracotta votive heads. Sculptures are dated V–I centuries BC., graphic images – VI–II centuries BC. A total of 145 male and 108 female sculptural images, 142 male and 49 female graphic images were examined. Two main methods were used: an individual description of morphological features through the scoring system and a method of composite portraits for obtaining the image of the total morphological pattern of this group. Anthropological program included descriptive characteristics of the face morphology: 29 characteristics for women and 33 characteristics – for men. Results. Based on descriptive morphological features in the samples of sculptural and graphic images, mean values of characteristics were calculated. Composite sculptural portraits of men and women characterize the sample as follows: 1. Men and women are very similar in descriptive morphological characteristics of the face and in composite images, which is typical for samples from homogeneous populations. 2. Pigmentation of hair tends to be polymorphic, but dark shades significantly prevail. Skin pigmentation is light. 3. The shape of the hair of the head is also polymorphic, with a clear predominance of wavy types. 4. The composition of the ocular region is characterized by mean values. 5. A relatively long nose with a straight profile and a high bridge, as well as a somewhat short upper lip and a weak protuberance of the zygomatic arches, are typical for southern morphological patterns of Caucasoids. Conclusion. The foregoing morphological description does not quite fit the classical Mediterranean version with its gracefulness, the way the Etruscans are often described by numerous researches. The Balkan-Caucasian (Alpine) traits are stronger in the general characteristic of the sample studied.


face morphology; Etruscans; composite portraits; painting and sculpture of the Etruscans; antique portrait; ethnogenesis

DOI: 10.32521/2074-8132.2018.1.073-085

Цит.: Perevozchicov E.V., Shpak L.Y. To the anthropology of the Etruscans // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2018; 1/2018; с. 73-85

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