Moscow University

The specifics of construction of anthropological standards for men and women by exam-ple of modern Moscow youth

Zimina (Shatokhina) S.N., Goncharova N.N., Negasheva M.A.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of biology, Department of anthropology, Leninskie Gory, 1, p.12, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Zimina Sofya N., Researcher, e-mail:; Goncharova Natalia N., Ph.D., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8504-1175, e-mail:; Negasheva Marina A., Ph.D., D.Sc., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7572-4316, e-mail:


There are two main aspects in solution of applied anthropology problems. The first is fundamental theoretical justification. The second is accumulation of the results of practical re-searches. The theory of the anthropometric standard was developed in 1970-s by a group of Moscow anthropologists. The accumulation of anthropometric data amount made possible the creation of functional State Standard Specification (SSS) system. SSS was a standard of clothing manufacturing, used in the domestic and foreign industry. However, SSS has not been updated since 1980-s, while numerous researches in a field of both children’s and adult morphology demonstrated essential changes in size characteristic of population in various regions. Nowadays, due to the technological advance, it became possible to improve mathematical algorithms that used in the calculation of standards. It will help to develop much more precise anthropologic standards, which will represent the trends of morphological variability. This causes the relevance and novelty of this research. Objective of the research. Study of practical and theoretical aspects of anthropological standardization using data of the recent mass study of the MSU students. Materials and methods. Young men and women aged 16-18, more than 4000 individual measurements. The data were used to test existing anthropometric models and to develop a num-ber of new ones. Results and discussion. A new anthropometric standard for Moscow young men and women was constructed. Developed new models depending on 3 main size characteristics, which is designed to calculate other morphologic size. It was demonstrated that there are fundamental differences in the creation of anthropometric standard for men and women. First: while two main characteristics are similar for both groups, third one (abdominal circumference) is different. Sec-ond: the relations between main and subordinate characteristic are different for these groups, so regression equations are also different for each group. Third: acceleration rates of the different anthropometric indicators are different in the male and female groups. It leads to the different relations between size characteristics, so the general rules of the evolution of the coefficients in the regression equation are also different in each case. Also it was demonstrated, that multiple quadratic regression equation is not useful for the calculation of values of the subordinate char-acteristics in various cases. That reduces the quality of the developed standard. The correlation between the existing standards and modern consumer requirements was analyzed carefully. The fundamental changes that occurred during last decades lead to the significant (10–50%) mis-match between the standard of the circumference size of the human body and practical meas-urements. At the same time the model of percentage ratio of human figure outdated even more seriously: 80% of young men and women can’t find the clothing of their size. Conclusions. The research has shown that several theoretical aspects of anthropometry require modern approach. The existing standards don’t conform to modern demands. The most important area of the research should become the development of the modern size typology of the population, which should cover all age and professional groups, and also development of the model of percentage distribution for the regional population of our country.


anthropometric standard, multiply regression models, sexual dimorphism, model of percentage ratio, secular trends

Цит.: Zimina S.N., Goncharova N.N., Negasheva M.A. The specifics of construction of anthropological standards for men and women by exam-ple of modern Moscow youth // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2013; 3/2013; с. 88-102

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