Moscow University

Western Asia hominids. In line with the research of J.J. Roginsky

Vasilyev S.V. (1), Borutskaya S.B. (2)

1) Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, Center of Physical Anthropology, Moscow; 2) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of biology, Department of anthropology, Leninskie Gory, 1, p.12, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Vasilyev S.V., e-mail:; Borutskaya S.B., e-mail:


The position of the so-called «disputable finds» in the modern taxonomy of fossil hominids is a very complicated. Among them the Palestinian hominids are most hotly discussed. Mosaic structure of the skull and skeleton of these hominids forced the scientists to accept the different points of view concerning their status. One believed, that Palestinian hominids were half-breeds, the others supposed that they were transitive forms, third scholars considered them as predecessors of Homo sapiens. We carried out the analysis of a line of the disputable Paleolithic forms according to supraorbitalis and zygomaxillaris areas, trigonometrical angles of neurocranium and facial cranium, and also parameters of the postcranial skeleton (Kebara II) and dental characteristics (Qesem). As a matter of fact our research confirmed once more non-uniformity of development of various parts of a skull and dependence of taxonomical importance of some attributes on disbalance of their phyletic development. This considerations force us to describe the origin of the Palestinian hominid as the form of the neanderthalo-sapientoid (Skhul), erecto-neanderthaloid (Tabun, Amud) or erecto-sapientoid (Qafzeh 6) type. It also identified the adaptive parameters of the postcranial skeleton (Kebara) and suggested supplies dental materials from Qesem the taxon Homo heidelbergensis. We determine taxonomical rank of the Palestinian hominids according to their predecessors’specious. The results of the study support theoretical ideas of J.J. Roginsky wide monocentrism.


Human evolution, Palestinian hominids, wide monocentrism, taxonomic status Palestinian hominids

Цит.: Vasilyev S.V., Borutskaya S.B. Western Asia hominids. In line with the research of J.J. Roginsky // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2015; 3/2015; с. 19-33

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