Department of Anthropology, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropolgy and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg
Radziun A., e-mail:; Hartanovich M.V., e-mail:
Kunstkamera of the Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg is reviewed as research base for Russian and foreign scholars who worked out problems of somatic diversity of mankind. The input of the Great North Expedition (1733–1743) in development of system to describe specific features of peoples is analyzed. System of popularization of knowledge about different peoples at the exposition of the first Russian state-owned museum – Kunstkamera of the Academy of Sciences in the mid-to-late 18th cent., is shown.
history of anthropology, anatomy, Kunstkamera, Gerard Friedrich Muller, methodology of complex description of peoples
Цит.: Radziun A., Hartanovich M. 18th-century Kunstkamera of the Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg: at the origins of anthropological knowledge in Russia // Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia), 2015; 2/2015; с. 114-122
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